This is Emma. She is in Bruce's home room class. She is as tom-boy-ish as they come. You can't tell in the picture, but the first inch and a half of her bangs are cut to the stubs; I think she did it herself. She insisted I put her hair in pigtails like the other girls.
This is at the actual performance. Kitty is in the front. Behind her are Kaysee and Emma. They look like angels in those dresses.
One of the Chinese teachers put together a fashion show for the kids who weren't in very many performances. They wore recycled stuff. As Zooie (the one with the white spotted shirt with a blue flower on it) walked out, her yellow skirt slowly shimmied off her waist and down to her knees. She posed in her underwear, and then pulled it up. We got it on video! So cute! We will have it up on youtube soon.
This is my darling Drew. He is sporting the green eyeshadow and pink blush worn by all the boys.
This is the makeup we wore for our Lady Gaga performance. The kids loved it!
These are just a few of the pictures from the performance, let me know if I should post more. Most of them are on my Facebook (Katie's).
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